Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I have always tried to have patience with cars, but today I reached my max. It is a cool fall day with grey skies and a stirring wind. I love it. What do I NOT love?? getting ripped off.
I went to change my oil and it usually cost me $20. This time, they continously came back to my window to tell me that I had light problems with the front light, but they couldn't fix it. "You should really get that fixed" they said. Next, one of my brake lights is out..again, they can't fix it..but "You should really get that fixed."
Grand total being: 48$ the woman told me.. I stared blankly.."what?"
She fiddled with the computer and came back and told me "$38"
for an oil change. She said it was higher because of the extra oil she put in.
For some reason, today is not my day, projects, hw, tests, projects, more projects.. tensions running high, stress about driving my car to WV with lights out, an old registration, and feeling like people are out of reach.
Like I said, not my day.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Nerdy Day

Today in my art criticism course I sat in front of a black and white nature photo for an hour and 15 mintues. I looked at every grain and fiber that was shown in it, and then wrote pages and pages. First, only a description, then a detailed interpretation of the work. You know, I loved every second! As people were griping around me, I smiled to myself and thought, " yes, Adrienne, you are a art nerd indeed!"

Monday, September 7, 2009

My boyfriend

My boyfriend and I recently celebrated our 8 month anniversary. It was excellent.

: )